Exhibitor Daily Entrance and Closure Policy
We recognize exhibitors may want to enter the Expo Hall in order to be prepared for delegates when they arrive. It is also important to us that booths and their contents are secure and unbothered. Our responsibility extends to all exhibitors, even those who do not wish to arrive early. Based on events of the past few years, exhibitors must adhere to this policy:
Exhibitors may enter the NACM Expo Hall, with the correct badge, up to 30 minutes before the Hall officially opens for delegates, no earlier.
- Exhibitors must exit the Hall immediately following the end of show hours. For security purposes, everyone must leave the Hall. Any conversations, meetings or debriefs should be moved to a venue outside of the Expo Hall.
- Please take all belongings, purses, laptops, bags or personal valuables with you as you leave the Hall each day as you will not be able to reenter on off hours.
- Please do not enter any other booth, before or after show hours, or disturb any booth’s contents not belonging to your company.
- If you hire an outside vendor, such as a bartender, artist, t-shirt printer, or masseuse, to work in your booth, you are responsible for them while they are in the Hall. A member of your company must be present with them at all times. The vendor must leave the Hall at closing time. If additional time is required to shut down or clean up their service, please ask for special arrangements prior to the conference, by